Saturday, July 9, 2011

Last night

Last night was a very long night...where to start?
Our friend "V" and his girlfriend own the most fabulous restaurant that has become very "du moment". Last night we were treated to their best table located on the private dining deck with views over the entire bay and port area. It was honestly breathtaking watching the sun set, sipping on champagne, eating fresh oysters surrounded by some of my nearest and dearest in France...oui, la vie est belle!
My very talented friends who are both architects were present along with our good friend the interior/exterior designer and of course "HRH", "V" and his partner (the restaurant owners) and myself. As expected the food was divine...(especially the oysters!) and also as expected after 3 Gin Fizz's (and several bottles of champagne) I was well on my way before the entrees had even arrived!
Cut to the end of the meal- and everyone has decided they ARE ALL coming to India as well...our friends the architects have practically signed the contract to overseee the plans for the hotel in Udaipur and my designer friend has booked a flight to come and assist as project manager in September!
I am thrilled of course, as you can imagine the idea of having more friends along to share in our Indian adventure the better. But I never imagined they would ALL be keen to come along and so soon into the piece! The wine flowed, trays of food came and went and all in all it was just fabulous.
But...that's not where the night ended is it?

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