Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Kite Runner

OMG I just finished watching the kite runner...I don't know how I managed to miss seeing it when it first came out at the movies? (Was probably travelling...) But I finally did. "HRH" read the book years ago... I cried and cried. Quietly at first and then openly. As a mother this movie just spoke to me. To imagine all the children that are orphaned and abused in times of war and political conflict. The helpless are always the most vulnerable. It also made me stop and think about how different societies around the world (and my own of course) judge each other for socio economic, religious or ethnic reasons. What makes one person better than another because of where they were born? Or the language they speak? If we could all speak the same language around the world I am certain we would realise just how much we all have in common. We're not so different in the end. The way countries marched into other countries and colonised them...believing themselves to be better than the indigenous people. America, India, Africa....Australia. Yes we've all judged other cultures and races for being different. And then after we educated ourselves a little better we finally realised how ignorant we were to believe otherwise. Yes, this movie has got me thinking and not just about the standard topics you would assume this film is associated with either! And of course once again friendship and loyalty came up as strong themes. It broke my heart to see Hassan take a beating for his friend. You don't see that kind of honor alot these days.It was just a wonderful thought provoking film. Tonight I will be thinking about all the children out there who are homeless, displaced or being abused. Puts the bloody Alexander McQueen clutch in perspective...honestly. If they can't protect themselves I hope that at least we all take the responsibility to do so for them. Children are our most precious creation. And we should never forget how blessed we are to have them.You know sometimes we think that if we stop thinking about those horrible things that happen out there -that they don't exist. But they do. Every day. In every country on the planet. That's devastating news in my books...far more devastating than a stockmarket crash anyday. Now where are my very privileged, secure and much loved boys? Their mom needs a cuddle about now. Sniff.

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