Monday, September 5, 2011

Cheese naan anyone?

I'm on strike...I need a cheese naan!
Went shopping today- what a friggin mistake. First thing to know about India is that the girls are "petite"...don't you hate that word? Petite. I mean basically it means " all fat foreign ladies take a hike!" And unfortunately after all the bloody fromage in france and now the cheese naans I'm addicted to in India...this now refers to me. I went into a Satya Paul store the other day and when I asked to try something on the shop asistants smiled and said they didn't have my size. I'm sure I heard them say "moti" and giggle as I walked out. Is size 12 big? C'mon I mean we can't all be a size 6 and be blessed with shiny hair, thin hips and high cheekbones! Well it appears around 10 million Mumbaikars are. Stuff them. I've seen them eating all the goods too. Where do their cheese naans go? Does Shiva magically whisk away all the calories? Well if so...I'm bloody converting. Always fancied the idea of going hindu...and if it has health benefits I'm in. Would be a hell of a lot easier than slaving away with a trainer who's only going to laugh at my fitness levels. I'm going to need a ciggie before the gym to calm the bloody nerves. Hmmmm a G&T might also do the trick. Why didn't I think of that last time. And you know what? While I'm on this topic-I think this Bollywood groove class is just another place for them to laugh at all the pasty chubby me. I'm suspect...there were way too many mirrors in that studio for my liking. They just wanted a good 360 degree view...I'm sure of it. I'm sticking to the calm yoga class I think. There were no mirrors in there at least!
Lord Shiva have mercy on me too...
Right-I'm off for breakfast before the gym...don't want to have a rumbly tummy while I work out. Stop seriously puts me off my work out. Plus I love watching who wants to be a millionaire now that "Big B" (Amitabh B.) is the host. He's so funny.
And thanks to all the new readers in Austria, Thailand and Nepal. Am blown away everyone. Thanks for the support. Btw I started a facebook page under "Queenie" plain and simple. Don't forget to join our blog as a member if you are enjoying!

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