Sunday, July 24, 2011

Old friends and tragedies

Just unpacking now after the week at the beach...phew what a freakin' whirlwind of laughter, disapointment, over indulgement, betrayal, love and well in all honesty not as much beach time as we expected! We sang, danced, consumed way too much champagne (and of course oysters), gossiped about old times, revealed secrets, argued about politics and religion, cried about sad movies, gambled our money away at poker rounds, got rained on in the boat, drunk too much rose wine, smoked too many cigarettes, spoke bad french, played angry birds with the kids and generally wreaked havoc where ever we went!
We saw so many old friends and so many things happened that I feel like we've been away for a month...just got home turned on the BBC and found out what happened in Norway to all those young kids AND the bomb going off, and also found out about Amy Winehouse passing away. So terribly sad for such a young amazingly talented human being...and how many others were also taken at the infamous age of 27? Janis Joplin, Kurt Cobain, James Dean...Jimi Hendrix?! It's pretty spooky. As for what happened in Norway- I am still in's bloody senseless. My heart goes out to anyone in Norway who is suffering right now.
It just makes you think about everything...all of THIS. In the end none of this really matters. None of the small irrelevant B.S even comes close to mattering. Why do we spend so much time farting around caring about it? Will the fact that the tiles in the bathroom not matching the wall colour affect our lives? why do we care?
I honestly got thinking about Mumbai...and the risk we were taking by going to Mumbai as a family. Hey I'm not kidding when I say that I'm nervous. Every day I wake up wondering about if I am making the right decision...but I'll never know if I don't give it a go. And I could spend my life wondering and regretting never going. I could regret not enriching my children's lives by this experience. I could keep them wrapped in cotton wool and sit in my western country thinking we're safe. And get hit by a passing just can't predict anything anymore.  Some very bad things happen to some very GOOD people in this world unfortunately. So yes...I still believe taking my family and I to Mumbai is the right decision after the July 13th bomb blasts. I know a hell of a lot of people that still live in London and New York after the bombs went off just have to try to move on and not allow those bullies/cowards/extremists to affect your lives. I am optimistically cautious... that's how I think we should all be in this day and age. Tonight I will drink to Norway and it's families, Amy Winehouse (her talent and beautiful music she left with us) and Mumbai. Mumbai you have so much to offer my family and here we come...I can't believe we will be there in 10 days. And I hope with all my heart that you keep my family and I safe.
Thank you and welcome to all the readers in the Phillipines, Italy, Mauritius, Bangladesh and Norway. I know I went off the air while I was away...sorry...But also, who is going to be the 50th person to join this site?  Have been sitting at 49 members for a week now...come on sort it out! Who's it going to be?

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