Monday, July 25, 2011

Monsoon fashion for Mumbai

Queen of the suburbs expat Mumbai blog India
What's the point of unpacking when we leave for Paris in 7 days? And then Mumbai the day after that...? Have been checking out the weather in Mumbai at the moment and the monsoon season is raging along sooo...(having not actually owned a pair of Wellingtons since I was 8 yrs old) I decided to buy a pair of gumboots. Fashion seems to be very bright and cheerful in India so I got some wellingtons with a bit of flair! The Hunter Jimmy Choo crocs in silver of course! "HRH" is already worried about all our luggage so have kept them a secret for now but he will see the practical side of my decision once he gets to India and discovers his LV sandals don't work so well in the rain! Oh well men just never seem to learn do they?
Queen of the suburbs expat Mumbai IndiaAnyhoo, I have decided that something I would really like to do once I get to Mumbai is learn some local recipes. Over the years in France I have had some amazing cooking lessons. And learn't to cook with rabbit, quails, foie gras, duck and veal. I've learn't to cook some classic dishes such as "boeuf bourgignon", "blanquette de veau" and of course many delicious desserts. Of course the "tres bon vin" to go with- is always a fabulous incentive to cook in France.
Queen of the suburbs India expat Mumbai"HRH" and I absolutely LOVE Indian cuisine and eat it several times a week at least as it is. I already have a list of dishes I would like to attempt and the little princes have a special request to learn to make "barfi" which was MY favourite Indian sweet as a child too, funnily enough! As I learn each dish from a local Mumbaikar I will write up the recipe and share it on this page...Share and share alike as they say. Right darlings, well I think I may need to lay a little low this week- post Cap Ferret holiday- so might start to go through the valises and decide on what exactly is appropriate "Mumbai Monsoon Fashion."  Queenie is on a mission....Mumbai watch this space!
P.S Bonjour to all the gorgeous new peeps who are reading in Brazil and Spain...good work!