Thursday, November 3, 2011

Secret Squirrel but why?

Time to come clean John
What I want to know is why John Abraham is keeping his girlfriend such a big secret from everyone? I mean what's the big deal?  Okay so she has a degree, is in banking and not in the entertainment industry. But so what? Perhaps they're doing it all to create even more hype about themselves? Because that's all they've achieved...more interest in this super secret affair. Nice work on his agent/managers part. But look we all know Priya Runchal and John Abraham have been seen around town together so there's really no secret at all. Maybe they like the idea of playing make believe? Hmmm who knows?

1 comment:

  1. I have no idea who this guy is by HOLY HEKE! Tell him to ditch the gf I'm on my way!
